SlowBurn Personal Training Blog

Cholesterol Truths

Written by SeriousStrengthAdmin | 4/29/07 2:14 PM

Dr. Malcom Kendrick is a lifesaver.

If you're a personal trainer, nutritionist, doctor, RD, etc., it's a must read.

If you think your low cholesterol level is healthy, it's a must read.

If you're about to go on statins per your doctor's orders, it's a must read.

If you think the establishment has got it right in any way, it's a must read.

If you think the establishment has got it wrong, it's a must read.

If you think what you eat has anything to do with heart disease, it's a must read.

If you are resistant to reading it after what I've said, it's REALLY a must read.

In short, if you care anything at all about your health or the health of your family, READ IT.

Here's the link. (It seems that Dr. Kendrick's book is now linked with another great book on Amazon 'The Cholesterol Myth' by Uffe Ravnskoff M.D., Ph.D. Get both.

When you're done reading it (or them), send me a note thanking me for the suggestion. (Wink, wink.)