SlowBurn Personal Training Blog

Savor the flavor

Written by SeriousStrengthAdmin | 2/21/09 2:33 PM

One of the things that a lot of folks do when they eat is they scarf their food down like a pogrom is coming. Besides resembling a vacuum cleaner and potentially choking to death, eating fast has other negative effects.

I am now reading Dr. Richard Bernstein's book The Diabetes Solution. In it he makes mention that eating too quickly and too much raises insulin levels far higher than if one eats slowly.

Like a jerk, I lost the page that its on and cannot seem to find it (the book is over 500 pages) so, I can't quote the good doctor directly. But suffice it to say, to minimize insulin spikes which facilitate fat storage, eat slowly - savor the flavor. Don't swallow until the food in your mouth is close to a liquid.

And of course the food in your mouth will preferably be not a grain or a processed food. But real food. Something like this:

Or this:

My wife is finding Paul McKenna's book (with a somewhat self-serving title) I Can Make You Thin (which should have been titled You Can Make You Thin) a very motivating book. In it he discusses the same idea - enjoy your food and eat slowly.

Try it!