SlowBurn Personal Training Blog


Recent Posts

The Cure for Obesity and Type II Diabetes

Stop eating sugar.

BMI - The Big Mistake Index

Recently grade schools all over the country have taken BMI (body mass index) measurements of children to determine who is or is not over (or under) weight (yet many of these schools continue to feed their children pizza, cakes and junk for school meals).

If you like grains it's worth the read

If you eat bread, oats, wheat - grain of any kind, take the time to read this.

A small step for fat-kind...

Losing fat is a ugly, arduous process. It's tough - really tough to accomplish.

The Heart of the Matter

In our book Drs. Eades and I discuss the issue of heart health. It has always been my position that though the heart is indeed a muscle, it is also an involuntary organ. No organ in the body is made healthier by overworking it. Why would the heart be any different?

It's not your Metabolism, it's Fatabolism

Everyone who is over fat and wanting to lose weight complains about their sluggish metabolism.

If I were A Fit Man, yidle, deedle, deedle, dum...

It seems that the fitter you get the richer  you'll become. Nifty. (Glad I own a gym!)

Nutritional/diet myths that need to DIE

As promised. Drum roll please:

Happy Halloween

The Hahn Family Pumpkins.

A list of Fitness Myths that need to DIE

Some of you may already believe these myths having heard them from your trainer, physical therapist or even, shudder to think, your doctor.

