SlowBurn Personal Training Blog


Recent Posts

The Power Plate - Old Nonsense Reborn

Back in the old days, a weight/cellulite removal device hit the market claiming to jiggle the fat right off of you.

Carb Addiction

Comic can be found here.

Don't Bother Me With The Facts

I'm always amazed at people who argue against known facts - like the folks at the Flat Earth Society or ghost and demon hunters.

Lipitor Goes Generic December 1st!

And Pfizer, of course, is hopping mad!

Strength - It's Good.

I won't say too much about this paper other than to say "Read it."

Associated With Doesn't Mean Caused By

Don't forget this!

You're God

You're god in your universe.


One of our finest former instructors, Sean Preuss, emailed me and asked me this question:

How Not to Lose Fat - Starvation

A recent New York Times article discussed the issue of weight loss and people's inability to keep the weight they do lose, off.

Ketosis vs. Ketoacidosis

