SlowBurn Personal Training Blog


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Strength, Speed and Athletic Wisdom

Leanness: Activity Has Nothing to Do with It.

Happy Father's Day


Knee surgery update

Well today is week three out of the hospital and thus far the recovery is going well. Swelling is minimal and on a scale of 1-10 my pain is a 2 or even less.

Don't sweat the scale

Last night before I went to bed, I took a tinkle, stripped down to my skivies, and weighed in at a trim 159 pounds.


And...Eat more fat. Eat less sugar. Lifts weights intensely.

Gutsy gluten

As the low-carb diet strides proudly forward as the champion of health, the more the you hear how dangerous and terrible it is. Yes, it seems as if the anti-low carb kooks are out there in full force.

Lose weight and lower your cholesterol?


Makoplasty here I come

Well, I've made up my mind. I've decided to go through with the Makoplasty procedure.

Franco Columbu's Diet

Franco Columbu was one of the greatest professional body builders of all time. I pulled his book Winning Bodybuilding(affiliate link) from my library, dusted it off and took a look at what he had to say.

